broj: 1-2/1998        pdf (30,4 MB)


                    stari brojevi      novi broj

Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=199801 and arb=1 order by id

Rastovski, P. UDK 630* 232.3 + 232.4
State of Nutrition of Plants in Forest Nurseries of the Forest Administration "Split" with Regard to Soil Fertility and Substrates, Cultivation Method     pdf     HR     EN 3
Nodilo, M. UDK 630* 272 + 230
The Garden of Benedictine Monastery on St. Mary´s Islet on Mljet     pdf     HR     EN 9
Pičman, D., Pentek, T. UDK 630* 383 + 686 : 630* 432
Relative Openness of the Forest Area and its Use in the Construction of the Forest Fire Prevention Roads     pdf     HR     EN 19
Vondra, V. UDK 630* 901 + 907
The Forestry of the Czech Republic, the Strategy and the Course of its Development     pdf     HR     EN 31
Stojković, M. UDK 630* 939
The Method of Discussion in the Economy of State Forests in the Periodicals of 1928     pdf     HR     EN 53
Summary: In a long 150-years history of Forestry Society in 1928 the newspapers have written about forestry like never before or after, as in this year. There were reasons for that, such as discussions about the forestry condition in National Assembly in Beograd and in the Great Assembly of Yougoslav Forestry Society which was also held in Beograd. These discussions have been related to: harmful effects in the forest economy in the state of that time which had a name the Kingdom of Serbs, Croat and Slovenes, and Forestry Society for the whole state: Yougoslav Forestry Association.The newspapers were writting, before all, in a sensational way, but beside all, in some newspapers the written word was cedet to the experts i. e. "Trgovinski Glasnik" from Beograd.
Objectivity, expertness and "out of sensations" were shown in "Obzor" from Zagreb.
The difficulties in the forestry of Croatia and Slavonia have been put on the accentuated position. The minister of forests and mines and National Assembley determinated their commisions which would examine the contracts with forest economies and would establish if there were any damage for the state. The condtions in Serbia were not mentioned anywhere. If everything had been all right, we would believe it, but "Večernja Pošta" from Sarajevo was published in sequences the whole Juraj Šutej´s speech in National Assembly, on 4th March. All other newspapers were writing about this very restrainedly, because of political reasons.
We were following here the writing in 8 periodicals and through 28 articles, which were represented here.

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