broj: 11-12/2010        pdf (7,55 MB)


                    stari brojevi      novi broj

Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=201011 and arb=1 order by id

Branimir Prpić
AT THE END OF THE YEAR     pdf     HR     EN 557
Vukelić, J., A. Alegro, V. Šegota, I. Šapić UDK 630* 188 + 174.7 (001)
Nomenclatural-Phytocoenological revision of the Association Calamagrostio variae-Piceetum dinaricum Bertović 1975, nom. illeg. in Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 559
Zebec, M., M. Idžojtić, I. Poljak, I. Mihaldinec UDK 630* 164 (001)
The Variability of Field Elm (Ulmus minor Mill. sensu latissimo) in Croatian Drava River Valley According to the Leaf Morphology     pdf     HR     EN 569
Cojzer, M., R. Brus UDK 630* 182 (001)
Species Composition and Successional Pathways on Abandoned Agricultural Land in Haloze     pdf     HR     EN 581
Cetl, V., B. Barišić, I. Šarušić UDK 630* 582
Transfer of Cadastral data into the New State Coordinate System HTRS96/TM     pdf     HR     EN 593
Kovácsová, P., M. Antalová UDK 630* 589
Precision Forestry – Definition and Technologies     pdf     HR     EN 603
Abstract: The principle of “precision forestry” is that it uses modern tools and technology to get as much real information as it is possible to im­prove decision making process and to ensure current goals of forest manage­ment. The best known and most frequently used tools of modern technology are remote sensing, navigation systems and geographic information systems. New trends are decision support systems and tools for tree identification and tools for wood material testing and measurement. There is a large interest of the fo­restry sector in these technologies because as the primary source of data “pre­cision forestry” provides more accurate (realistic) information then currently used sources. Aim of this article is to clarify and inform the professional, but also the general public with the precision forestry, its definition and its tools.
Key words: decision support system; forestry; Geographic Information System.; remote sensing technologies; surveying
Landekić, Matija UDK 630* 302 + 384
Organizational Culture and Occupational Safety in the Croatian Forestry Sector     pdf     HR     EN 613
Balenović, I., H. Marjanović, M. Benko UDK 630* 569 + 587
Application of Aerial Photographs in Forest Management in Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 623

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