broj: 7-8/2021        pdf (11,7 MB)


                    stari brojevi      novi broj

Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=202107 and arb=1 order by id

Who is to blame for poor business results of wood processors?     pdf     HR     EN 309
Damir Ugarković, Ivan Seletković, Ivica Tikvić, Mladen Ognjenović, Krešimir Popić, Marko Orešković, Nenad Potočić UDK 630* 111.8 + 228 (001)
Relationship of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) mortality in the area of Fužine with climatic and structural parameters     pdf     HR     EN 311
Tree dieback is a complex process involving negative impact of various abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic factors. Climate change, comprising all those effects, is generally considered as the largest threat to forest ecosystems in Europe. Although the scale of climate change impacts on forests is not yet fully understood, especially on the regional or species level, significant damage seems to be caused by weather extremes, such as drought and strong winds. With the expected increase in the number, length, and/or intensity of extreme weather events in Croatia, research into the causes of tree mortality is both important and timely.
Silver fir is the most damaged and endangered conifer tree species in Croatia. The dieback of silver fir can be attributed to various factors, therefore the goals of this research were to determine the mortality of silver fir trees (by number and volume) for various causes of mortality, among which the climatic and structural parameters were of most interest. The twenty-year data for tree mortality in pure silver fir stands in the area of Fužine (Gorski kotar, Croatia) were collected and analysed. The largest number and volume of dead trees was caused by complex (multiple causes) dieback in the overstorey (0,75 N/ha, 2,35 m3/ha), and the smallest (0,17 N/ha, 0,02 m3/ha) by dieback of supressed trees. No significant differences were determined regarding the timing of tree death for different causes of mortality. Climatic parameters (drought, air temperature, PET) and structural parameters of the stands (tree DBH, social position, crown diameter, shading, physiological maturity) as well as plot inclination were found to be the factors of a significant influence on the mortality of silver fir trees.

Key words: temperature; precipitation; drought; wind; stand structure
Marina Popijač UDK 630*180 + 181.4 (001)
Distribution of 137Cs and 40K in the tissue of silver fir trees (Abies alba Mill.) from Lika (Croatia)     pdf     HR     EN 323
Ivan Tekić, Charles Watkins UDK 630* 902 (001)
‘Sacred groves’- an insight into Dalmatian forest history     pdf     HR     EN 337
Arzu Ergül Bozkurt, Kamil Coşkunçelebi, Salih Terziog˘lu UDK 630* 164 (001)
Population variability of scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Turkey according to the needle morphology     pdf     HR     EN 347
Askin Gokturk, Ethem Kara, Murat Sabri Sadiklar UDK 630* 232.3 + 111 (001)
The effects of storage temperatures and pretreatments on the germination of azarole (Crataegus azarolus var. pontica) seeds     pdf     HR     EN 355
Osman Mujezinović, Mirza Dautbašić UDK 630* 453
First record of Cacopsylla pulchella (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in Bosnia and Herzegovina     pdf     HR     EN 363
Atinç Pirti, Ramazan Gürsel Hoşbaş UDK 630* 641
Evaluation of the performance between post process kinematic and static technique in the forest environment     pdf     HR     EN 367
Matija Landekić, Ana Gajšek, Gabrijela Seletković, Mario Šporčić UDK 630* 907
The role of ecological certification in the context of sustainable forest management in the Republic of Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 379

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