broj: 5-6/1996        pdf (17,0 MB)


                    stari brojevi      novi broj

Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=199605 and arb=1 order by id

Brežnjak, M.
Wood - this Wonderful Material     PDF 219
Josip Karavla UDK 630*232.5.:272.001 Karavla, J.:
London Parks with Special Emphasis on the Dendroflora in Greenwich Park     pdf     HR     EN 225
Sikora, J. UDK 630*232.001 (Populus sp.)
The Use of Deep Planting Method     pdf     HR     EN 235
Biškup, J., Vondra, V. UDK 630*232:909:181.3.001
Sociological Analysis of the Coastal People´s Opinion on Reforestation and Forest Protection Plan     pdf     HR     EN 243
Summary: The research was to reveal the social significance of the Plan
for reforestation and protection of coastal forests. A stratified random sample
of280 interviewed people, all coming from the regions of Senj, Zadar, Šibenik,
Split and Dubrovnik, was used in the research. Similar proportions of people
working in agriculture, tourism, cattle-breeding and others were taken for
each region. The questioning encompassed the socio-economic circumstances
and status of the interviewed; opinions and standpoints of the population in
using the burnt and degraded areas; views upon tree species and forest types;
analysis of the forest fire issue; evaluation of the private forest owners ´problems;
evaluation of the positive and negative attitudes of local population
against the reforestation actions and their suggestions. Here are some of the most significant research results:

The wealth status of the interviewed does not depend on the number of working
people in the family; salaries provide only modest living.
Landowners use their land for multiple purposes. They unwillingly give answers
concerning the revenues, or else quote very low figures.
With the cattle largely reduced in number in wartime, controlled cattle-
breeding should not endanger forests and reforestation.
There was a unanimous support of the preparation and enforcement of the reforestation
of the degradedforestlands. About 60% interviewed did not expect
any immediate benefits from reforestation. They evaluated the importance of
the reforestation in the following order of significance: (I) protection against
erosion, (2) better and healthier environment; (3) use to tourism; (4) logging;
and (5) improved scenery.
Negligence and war are the main causes of fire. All interviewed were ready to
participate in the actions of fire-brigades. The majority of native people would
allow that fire-lanes are cut across their land, free of charge; a smaller number
wood allow it with compensation.
A great number of interviewed people think that there is a need of shared decision
making in the case of reforestation. Landowners were the most interested.
More than half would participate in reforestation with compensation, i.e.
they would expect employment and indirect benefits.
The interviewed agree that the current economic situation does not allow
that either counties or the government finance the restoration of the devastated
Complete results of the sociological studies show that the specific features of
this long Adriatic belt should be well considered, and the different interests of
the local population coincided.
If the Republic of Croatia is granted a credit from the World Bank, the money
would be spent efficiently only if the local population is made responsible for
the restoration and maintenance of the degraded areas. The results of the sociological
studies are preliminary research on the way to achieve the aim.
Key words: sociological analysis, public opinion, coastal population,
reforestation and protection.
Key words: sociological analysis; public opinion; coastal population; reforestation and protection
Grubešić, M. UDK 630*151.2(497.13)(Castor fiber L.)
Operation Beaver in Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 261
Dimitrov, T. UDK 630*432.9.
A Short Review of the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System Development and the Possibility of its Application in our Country     pdf     HR     EN 267
Petrović, F. UDK 630*239:429
Adverse Impact of Man on Lowland Forests of Central Posavina     PDF 275

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