broj: 7-8/1998        pdf (21,6 MB)


                    stari brojevi      novi broj

Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=199807 and arb=1 order by id

Matić, S.
Reflections on the Croatian Forestry Status on the Threshold of 2lst Century     PDF 305
Tarnaj, I.
Reflections on the Croatian Forestry Status on the Threshold of 2lst Century     PDF 307
Susmel, L. UDK 630* 629 + 425. (Abiety-Fagetm dinaricum Treg. 1957) 001.
Forests of Gorski Kotar Yesterday and Today     pdf     HR     EN 309
Meštrović, Š., Matić, S., Tustonjić, A., Pavelić, J. UDK 630* 619 : 272 + 907.001.
The Forests of Medvednica Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow     pdf     HR     EN 315
Štefančić,A. UDK 630* 325 + 859. 001.
The Proportion of Wood Assortments in the Stemwood Volume of the Up-to-7 cm-Diamter Common Beech Timber in Even-Aged Stands     pdf     HR     EN 329
Zelić, J. UDK 630* 226 (Abieti-Fagetum pannonicum Rauš 1969)
Management in Selection Forest Stands of Beech and Fir (Abieti Fagetum pannonicum) in Mt. Papuk. Ecological Approach     pdf     HR     EN 339
Frković,A. UDK 630* 156 + 945.3
The Results of Creating the Karlovac Forestry School Programme for Training the Employees of "Hrvatske šume" in Evaluating the Hunting Trophies     pdf     HR     EN 347
Pičman, D., Pentek, T. UDK 630* 381 + 383
Technology of Forest Road Stabilisation With Cement     pdf     HR     EN 353
Summary: The construction of forest mads on forest soils that have week carrying capacity, mostly in low-lying parts of the Republic of Croatia, unquestionably makes demands upon application one of the numerous methods of stabilisation of forest soils. One of the oldest chemical methods of soil improvement is stabilisation by the use of cement. Since the beginning of the 1970s, the stabilisation with cement as well as lime, were the most common methods. The description of the procedure for the improvement of transport systems by the use of cement, the machinery used in the process, and the division of basic advantages and disadvantages in relation to other stabilisation methods as well as classical way of constructing the forest roads are some of the interesting points of this work.
Key words: forest transport systems; low-lying areas; stabilisation with cement

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