broj: 9-10/2000        pdf (32,3 MB)


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Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=200009 and arb=1 order by id

Gubka, K. UDK 630* 226 + 232 (Qercus petraea Liebl.) 001.
Development Dynamics of Young Stands of Sessile Oak after Clear Cutting during the Conversion of Coppice Forests in South Slovakia     pdf     HR     EN 495
Gračan, J. UDK 630* 165
Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources in Croatia – Phase I and II     pdf     HR     EN 503
Zelić, J. UDK 630* 569 + 611
A Contribution to the Discussion about the Growth, Increment and Sustainable Development Theory     pdf     HR     EN 515
Vukelić, M. UDK 630* 902
The Municipality of Otočac     pdf     HR     EN 533
Summary: There has been very little research into the history of forestry in Lika so far. The exhaustive and expertly devised "Statistical analysis of forest administration and management in the Muncipality of Otočac from its begining in 1879 to this end in 1895" by Šandor Perc, head forester and a renowned forestry expert, offers an insight into an important period in the history of forestry in Lika. A brief survey of forestry in Lika during the period of the Millitary Border, complemented with other data on the activities and work of its muncipalities is also given.The "Statistical analysis of the Muncipality of Otočac" gives a detailed description of geographical, vegetative, silvicultural, property-rights, organisational and social conditions as well as overall management, and is accompanied with several tables. Only some most imporant data will be given here. The Otočac muncipality covered 79,375 ha, of which 73,629 ha (93 %) were forests 4,660 ha (6 %) clear land, and 1,068 (1%) unproductive land. The growing stock amounted to 8.970,057 m3 (122 m3/ha), the annual prescribed yield was 159,971 m3, and the value of forests was estimated at 14,230,732 forints. Annually, 91,415 m3 or 132,485 prm were given to usfruct, leaving 68,556 m3 for sale and other needs.
Although the Muncipality of Lika was never actually established, an area of 55,511 ha was allotted to it by the share decree of 1880, of which 50,670 ha were forests containing a growing stock of 6,222,524 m3 (123 m3/ha), and the estimated forest value was 5,772,514 forints.
Extensive rights to the usufruct of the forests in the Otočac and Lika Muncipalities had a decisive influence on the management of these muncipalities. Still, the period of the muncipalities in Lika was successful. After the Second World War a new unified forestry organisation in Lika was established based on the muncipalities and benefiting from their successes.

Key words: annual presceibed yield; area; estimated value of forests; muncipality; usufruct
Vučetić, M., Dimitrov, T. UDK 630* 431 + 432.1
Weather Conditions and Forest Fires in the Coastal Area of the Republic of Croatia during 1999     pdf     HR     EN 549

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