broj: 9-10/2011        pdf (7,5 MB)


                    stari brojevi      novi broj

Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=201109 and arb=1 order by id

STATE AWARD FOR SCIENCE FOR THE YEAR 2010 - Lifetime Achievement Award is conferred to Emeritus Professor BRANIMIR PRPIĆ, PhD     pdf     HR     EN 421
Čavlović,J., K. Teslak, A. Seletković UDK 630* 622 + 653: 231 (Quercus roburL.)(001)
Application and Comparison of Different Models for Regeneration Planning of Pedunculate Oak Stands (Quercus roburL.) – a Management Unit “Josip Kozarac” Case Study     pdf     HR     EN 423
Račko,V., M. Saniga, I. Čunderlík UDK 630* 811 + 48: 249 (001)
The Impact of Silvicultural Treatments on the Structure and Red Heart Formation in Beech Forests     pdf     HR     EN 437
Stevanov,M., M. Böcher, M. Krott, S. Orlović, D. Vuletić, S. Krajter UDK 630* 945.4 + 935 (001)
Analytic Model of Departamental Research as Science-Based Advising of Actors in Political Process - Analysis of Research Activity of the Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment from Novi Sad     pdf     HR     EN 449
Kirin,T., J. Kralj, D. Ćiković, Z. Dolenec UDK 630* 152 + 907 (001)
Habitat Selection and Similarity of the Forest Songbird Communities in Medvednica and Žumberak – Samoborsko gorje Nature Parks     pdf     HR     EN 467
Uhlíková,H., O. Nakládal, P. Jakubcová, M.Turčáni UDK 630* 453 (Lymantria monacha) (001)
Outbreaks of the Nun Moth (Lymantria monacha) and Historical risk Regions in the Czech Republic     pdf     HR     EN 477
Hodić,I., Z. Jurušić UDK 630* 630 383
Analysis of Primary Opennes of Forest Managed by Hrvatske Šume Ltd. as Basis for Disigning of Future Policy Forest Roads Construction     pdf     HR     EN 487
Summary: This paper analyzes the primary forest openness as an important factor of quality and economy of forest management. Based on the analysis of the existing openness level of forests managed by Hrvatske šume Ltd. (state-owned forests), the aim was to suggest the necessary frame of road construction, up to the level of proposed goals by respective Forest Administrations. Special attention has been paid to the relief conditions and forest function. All forests have been sorted out according to the relief conditions into the following cathegories: lowland forests, hilly forests, mountainous forests and Karst forests. According to the stated cathegories, goals have been determined (on the minimal and so far optimal level): (Tabel 1).
Basic analysis of the existing primary openness has been made on the basis of the management unit, whereby special attention was paid to the relief conditions, and the results are shown by Forest Offices and Forest Administrations. For the openness calculation, the dana of the Forest roads registry of HŠ d.o.o. were used, according to the current methodology proscribed by the Rulebook on Forest Management.
In order to achieve these targets, HŠ Ltd. should construct these figures in management forests:
– Minimum 4354 km
– Optimum 8517 km
In Karst forests (up to the target of 15 km/ 1000 ha):
– 8830 km
The paper also gives a review of forest openness on the level of basic organisational units (Forest offices), which is a very useful piece of information for the company’s investment policy.

                UNDER CONSTRUCTION